
The first of its kind, the Journal of Cognitive Semiotics is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to high quality research, integrating methods and theories developed in the disciplines of cognitive science with methods and theories developed in semiotics and the humanities, with the ultimate aim of providing new insights into the realm of human signification and its manifestation in cultural practices. The Journal of Cognitive Semiotics publishes double-blind peer-reviewed manuscripts. We are currently welcoming submissions.
Six issues were published by the editor Peter Lang between 2007 and 2010. Four further issues were published electronically and open source. In the beginning of 2014, the publication of the journal is taken over by Mouton de Gruyter, and has published two issues per year ever since.
The Journal of Cognitive Semiotics offers its readers the opportunity to engage with ideas from the European and American traditions of cognitive science and semiotics, and to follow developments in the study of meaning – both in a cognitive and in a semiotic sense – as they unfold internationally. The intention of the journal is to create and facilitate dialogue, debate, and collaboration among those interested both in human cognition and in human semiotic experiences and behavior.
The initiative to create a transatlantic journal came from the Center for Cognition and Culture at the department of Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University, and from a group of researchers trained at the Center for Semiotics, in Denmark, and based in Aarhus and Copenhagen; as well as researchers at the Centre for Cognitive Semiotics at Lund University in Sweden.
The editorial board includes the following scholars:
Peer Bundgaard, Centre for Semiotics, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Merlin Donald, professor emeritus, Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada
Bruno Galantucci, Laboratory of Experimental Semiotics, Yeshiva University, New York City, USA
Todd Oakley, professor of cognitive science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Göran Sonesson, Centre for Cognitive Semiotics, University of Lund, Sweden
Official journal web site
Cognitive Semiotics @Peter Lang
De Gruyter Online
Call for papers: Special issue of Cognitive Semiotics in honor of Göran Sonesson
The editors invite contributions to a special issue of Cognitive Semiotics in honor of Göran Sonesson, who passed away on March 17, 2023. Göran Sonesson was an innovator in modern semiotics and one of the leading scholars who made cognitive semiotics what it is today. He was one of the initiators for establishing the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics and, for many years, served as editor of this journal.
Submissions will be peer-reviewed and need not directly discuss Sonesson’s contributions to semiotic theory and cognitive semiotics but are expected to address topics in fields in which he himself intervened.
These topics include, though need not be limited to:
• signs and other meanings
• the semiotics of pictures
• the semiotics of culture and translation
• phenomenology and semiotics
• semiosis in evolution and child development
Authors should refer to the De Gruyter Mouton journal style sheet which you can download from:
Please also note publication ethics and copyright agreement.
Important dates:
September 30, 2023: Intention to submit e-mail
November 15, 2023: Submission of the article for review
December 20, 2023: Response from the review and statement from editors
January 20, 2024: Submission of revised article
March 1, 2024: The final submission of the article
April 1, 2024: The complete issue is sent to Cognitive Semiotics
Please write “Cognitive Semiotics Sonesson” in the subject line in all communication and send your proposal to:
Guest Editors: Sara Lenninger and Jordan Zlatev
The editorial group: Sara Lenninger, Gunnar Sandin, Anna Cabak Rédei, Juan Carlos Mendoza-Collazos, Jordan Zlatev
On the behalf of Cognitive Semiotics:
Meaning, Mind and Communication: Explorations in Cognitive Semiotics
Editors: Jordan Zlatev, Göran Sonesson and Piotr Konderak

Publisher: Peter Lang
“This volume constitutes the first anthology of texts in cognitive semiotics – the new transdisciplinary study of meaning, mind and communication that combines concepts and methods from semiotics, cognitive science and linguistics – written by a multitude of established and younger scholars. The chapters deal with the interaction between language and other semiotic resources, the role of consciousness and concepts, the nature of metaphor, the specificity of human evolution and development, the relation between cognitive semiotics and related fields, and other central topics. They are grouped into four sections: (i) Meta-theoretical perspectives, (ii) Semiotic development and evolution, (iii) Meaning across media, modes and modalities, (iv) Language, blends and metaphors.”
For more information:
Call for papers: Special issue of Cognitive Semiotics in honor of Per Aage Brandt
The editors invite contributions to a special issue of Cognitive Semiotics in honor of Per Aage Brandt, who passed on November 10, 2021.
A beacon in Semiotics since his first contributions to the field at the end of the 1960's, he was also the founder of Cognitive Semiotics, the first issue of which was published by Peter Lang in 2007. Since 2014, it has been published by De Gruyter Mouton and with a different editorial board.
Submissions will be peer-reviewed and need not directly discuss Per Aage Brandt's specific contributions to semiotic theory, but are, of course, expected to address topics in fields in which he himself intervened. These are, among others: Greimassian semiotics, catastrophe theory, morphodynamic semiotics, structural anthropology, psychoanalysis, structural linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, blending theory, text theory, history of art, musicology, poetics, stylistics, philosophy (from Descartes to Postmodernism) — and other themes pertaining to cognitive semiotics.
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2022. We know this is short notice, but his passing has caught us all off-guard. People interested in contributing should send Peer Bundgaard an e-mail:
Todd Oakley, Göran Sonesson, Peer Bundgaard.
In Memoriam Per Aage Brandt:
IACS 2018 Post-Conference Call for Papers
We are pleased to offer three publishing outlets for revised and expanded versions of IACS-2018 conference papers:
IACS 2016 Post-Conference Special Issue Call for Papers
The editorial board of the journal "Philosophy and Science” (publisher: Polish Academy of Sciences and and Maria Curie-Sklodowska University) have confirmed a special issue on Cognitive Semiotics.
If you are interested in publishing in this volume, please send the paper by 15 March to Piotr Konderak. Please make your contribution to the field of cognitive semiotics explicit in the paper. The submitted manuscripts should include information about authors' affiliation and email addresses. Each paper will be reviewed by (at least) two reviewers. To facilitate blind reviewing, the author’s name and address should appear on a detachable title page, but nowhere else in the article.